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Ent. А4
Second notice Prof. Norbert Mueller: „Immune-related therapies in psychiatric disorders“; Prof. Peter Falkai: „Recovery in psychosis: Understanding the neurobiology“; Dr. Ivan Koychev: „Presentation and treatment of psychiatric presentations in neurological conditions“; Prof. Plamen Bojinov, Dr. Nikola Markov: „Therapeutic mechanisms of TMS (Transcranial magnetic stimulation); Prof. Petar Marinov: „Anxiety and pain: Focus on pregabalin“; Prof. Petar Marinov: „Pain: mind and body“; Simeon Markov, Dr. Nikola_Markov: „Pain in art“; D. r . Alexander Kanchelov: „Beyond overcoming pain: The self-medication theory “DR. NIKOLA MARKOV: FROM MY TEACHER PROF. TASHEV I LEARNED THAT WE SHOULD SEEK
Reprinted from Zdrave.net – The Bulgarian health portalhttps://www.zdrave.net
Author: Nevena Popova
The doctor is not just a specialist who works
brilliantly or has made a mistake. It is not only the one whose decisions the
patient relies on. He is not even the only expert that our health and sometimes
our lives depend on. He is all this, but also much more - because behind each
name with "Dr." in the front, there is a Man.
Who is this Man behind
the name, what are his life choices, how does he work and how does he rest - we
are looking for the answers to these questions in our new section "Who are
you, Doctor?"
Dr. Nikola Markov is a graduate from Medical University - Plovdiv. After graduating in 1986, Dr. Markov began his professional path in the State Psychiatric Hospital in the village of Patalenitsa. He acquired his specialty in 1990. He also works in Mental Health Centre in Plovdiv. For more than 20 years Dr. Markov has had an independent practice as a specialist psychiatrist in Plovdiv. One of the founders of the College of Private Psychiatry. One of the few specialists in our country who applies transcranial magnetic stimulation as a therapeutic method for various mental disorders. A few days ago he was awarded the prize in the name of Assoc. Prof. Georgi Koychev for overall contribution to the development of modern Psychiatry in Bulgaria.
Dr. Markov, your professional career during the recent years is inextricably linked to the cause of "Private Psychiatry", you are one of the founders of the association with the same name. Did you achieve the goals that brought you together in the beginning - more humane, more accessible and more efficient psychiatric care and support for people with such problems?
We should keep in mind that this is from the last 20 years. In the conditions of an unreformed health care system, we have contributed to the decentralization of psychiatric care and its positioning in the community, which is inevitably associated with more humanity, easier accessibility and increased efficiency.
On the day you receive the award in the name of the inspirer of the idea of expanding the private psychiatric practice Assoc. Prof. Georgi Koychev, I can't help but ask you if it is difficult for you to talk about him in past tense?
The loss is palpable and painful, but the memories and experience with Assoc. Prof. Koychev, his lessons and his scientific and human heritage leave the feeling that he and his personality are still among us.
Tell us a bit about what brought you together with this group of colleagues, what were your first steps?
Being a part of the progressive, developing part of the professional community, having the support, but also the criticism of like-minded people is a challenge that I accepted in 2000. Under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Koychev, Collegium "Private Psychiatry" created the first consensus in the new history of Bulgarian Psychiatry, which are embedded in the first professional standards. With each passing year, the conferences have been improving their quality and have become expected events, defining trends and future directions. These meetings were and still are interdisciplinary in nature, as a rule and with the participation of colleagues from abroad.
It is no secret the great attention that you pay to colleagues who are now making their first steps in this profession. You were a co-founder of the NLO Award for Young Psychiatrists (Niki and Lacho assess) together with Prof. Lachezar Hranov, who is also no longer with us. You are now a part of the managing body in the newly established Foundation “Young Physicians for Bulgaria”. What is the reason for your devotion to the cause with these young people - graduates, students?
As a young doctor I received the exceptional support and the opportunity to grow and develop myself from Dr. Krum Savov and Dr. Nikolai Dzhambazov. I promised to return the gesture to young colleagues, and now it's time for that.
If you look at yourself, during your path over the years, do you have an answer to the question - does the young Dr. Nikola Markov look like them or is he different - in his thoughts, ambitions and intentions?

Today I still remain excited and satisfied in the quest to provide assistance in significantly more opportunities based on the development of the specialty worldwide and nationally.
Do these young people have a perspective for development in our country or has our Psychiatry seriously deviated from the direction in which the world is going today? What do you want to wish them?
Foundation “Young Physicians for Bulgaria” aims to financially support young medics. Personally, I realize that no matter how much we help them, it will be incomparably less than what they would receive outside the country. What I can do is, I try to show them the advantages, remaining in Bulgaria to develop ahead of time, and, of course, have access to high technology and innovative therapeutic methods, which in a more strictly regulated and hierarchical system are difficult and slower to achieve. As paradoxical as it may sound, in our country, the "art of healing" is still possible. Let them be healthy, first of all, and turn their work into pleasure.
And instead of a finale, let me ask you - which of the testaments of your teachers in science do you keep in yourself as the truth to which you will remain faithful regardless of the circumstances?
Prof. Todor Tashev, whose direct graduate I consider myself to be, said that it is important to receive the recognition of our patients, but we must seek the highest degree of recognition among our colleagues. I believe that the award in the name of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgi Koychev for contribution to Bulgarian psychiatry brings me closer to this goal.

"There are no stuntmen in life - you have to take care of yourself, do what you can best ..."
(Dr. Georgi Koychev)