The aims of the Association are:
- to unite the efforts of specialists for the development of psychiatry as a science and practice in all areas related to the problems of mental health, psychiatric and psychological health care such as prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and psycho pedagogy with an emphasis on mechanisms under market conditions;
- to conduct informational activities related to the problems of mental health and mental illness, as well as to assist and participate in the development of all public and private organizational forms in this field;
- to represent the interests of the members of the company; to establish rules and ethical norms of the private practitioners in the field of mental health, which should correspond to the good clinical practice, to the ethical norms of the profession, as well as to the laws of the country;
- to assist in the development of research through funding, legal services and support for research and research teams; to support the international contacts of the specialists and to carry out the international cooperation and events, promoting the development of science and practice, related to mental health;
- to assist in raising the professional level of private practitioners by granting scholarships and training funds in the country and abroad through training programs and by supporting institutions engaged in licensing private practice;
- to support personal, collective and private initiatives in the field of psychiatry development. Since 2002, the Association has been renamed the College of Private Psychiatry, opening the participation form for people who do not have a psychiatric specialty. At the moment there are 103 members in the Collegium.